
We turn bricks and mortar into healthy profits

From seeking planning approval through to construction, we search for any opportunity that has potential to develop, from existing residential to commercial properties and even plain land.


Each property development is different from each other. There are development opportunities that can reap huge returns, often running into hundreds of percent. There are development opportunities everywhere throughout the UK.


Through our network of contacts we search for opportunities to develop, starting with a site visit to assess any possibilities, then we carry out our own in-house analysis and quantify costings to see if the proposed development is viable.


An investor having available finance to fund a project can be very beneficial. It can often mean being able to:


• Purchase property below the market value

• Have an upper hand over other buyers

• Complete on a purchase quicker

• Construction times can be reduced

• Not be subject to expensive borrowing and interest charges

• Take on projects that generate a greater profit



Forming a Project Partnership

Homelands provides 100% commitment to property developing from:


• Finding good development opportunities (mainly in the South of England)

• Carry out pre-purchase costings for development proposals

• Liaise with investors

• Talk with the lenders for additional project funding, if required

• Work with architects and planners in submitting plans for development proposals

• Project manage the construction and developing process

• Assist in the marketing of the new development for sale or even renting




Profit is the one word that forms the bottom line. It is what all investors need to know before they take any further steps, and rightly so.


• Profits from a project are shared 50/50 between investor and Homelands.

• The minimum investment from the investor is £50,000.

• It is always our intention to maximise profit on every project. We aim to create a minimum of
   20% return on investors fund.

• When working out pre-purchase costings we always calculate to making sure that the investors
  50% share of the profit gives no less than 20% return on their initial investment.



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