Questions & answers
Is there anything you are unclear about?
Q: Who are Homelands Invest?
A: Homelands Invest is a newly formed property development company, formed by the Director Mark Lee, of whom has been in the construction industry for 30 years, having in that time been involved in the developing or new houses and the renovation, conversion and restoration of many buildings, residential and commercial.
Q: What type of investor is Homelands looking to work with?
A: We will find development projects to suit any investor however great the investment, from individual investors, groups of investors, through to business and corporate level.
Q: What type of developments do you invest in?
A: We search for any type of property or land, to predominantly develop for residential use, from new builds to conversions. Sourcing opportunities such as plain land, small dwellings on large plots, run down houses, office buildings, warehouses, even redundant retail, leisure, educational and Government buildings
Q: What do you mean by Project Partnership?
A: This means you as an investor have a financial interest in a particular development project(s). You are a partner in the project, not in Homelands Invest the business.
Q: What is the average time scale for a project?
A: Every project is different from each other, and timescales will vary depending on the size of the developments. We aim to complete a small project(s) within 12 months. Larger projects will take longer, particularly if that development is awaiting planning approval.
Q: How secure is my investment?
A: Investing into bricks and mortar has always been regarded as a safe investment. Even though at different economic down turns we have seen the value of property fall to then later rise back up again, a bit like shares, but with shares, there is the risk that you could lose everything. Remember the .com days?
As described earlier, Homelands are dedicated in turning bricks and mortar into a good profitable investment. At the same time, we are providing reassurance and security to our investors.
• No funds are issued to Homelands for the purchase of a property. Homelands will liaise between the investor, bank (if required) and the solicitor.
• Property is placed in the name of the investor, giving a legal charge at the land registry.
Q: What are the risks involved?
A: There is an investment risk with every industry. Some are more riskier than others. The good thing with bricks and mortar is that it will not disappear, it will always stand as an asset, unlike investing into a business or shares of a company, where you can run the risk of losing everything if that business should fold.
It is Homelands intention to increase the value of the original purchase by developing. You could say, your investment moves along the scale away from the risks of making a loss, even if a property slump should suddenly materialise.
These are the possible risks:
• A severe downturn in the economic climate, resulting in a property crash leaving the value of the
finished development to be less than the original
• Bank to withdraw funding before or, at worse, during mid-flow of a development project
• Being unable to sell a finished development on completion resulting in additional bank interest
Assessing these risks under these circumstances, the investor must be aware that a profit or full return of investment is not guaranteed.
Q: Is my investment only put into one project?
A: Depending on how much you are investing, you have the option of being the sole investor in a project, or the option to spread your funds into two or more projects. (The minimum investment per project is £50,000).
Q: Do Homelands give financial advice?
A: We develop property. We do not provide financial or tax advice. Investors must seek their own independent professional advice.
Q: Are there any fees or hidden charges?
A: No. Homelands have no set up fees or any hidden charges. We only profit at the end of a project when a development is completed and sold.
Q: How do I move things forward?
A: Send Homelands and e-mail leaving your name and contact details. You may also have further questions that we will be happy to answer.
Note: We do not divulge our list of development opportunities, we only discuss developments with investors who show commitment to investing with Homelands.